The Escape Pro Bivvy is the ultimate outdoor survival sleep solution. With heat reflective technology, a fully waterproof shell, and the ability to evaporate condensation as you warm up. This bag is sure to become the go-to choice for trekkers and preppers alike. Wrap your sleeping bag with it during the fall, winter, and colder seasons, or use it on its own during the warmer months, as a packable lightweight sleep sack.
90% heat reflective
Stay warm AND dry in the original backcountry emergency shelter that stays dry while you heat up. -
Dynamic Breathability
As humidity in the bivvy increases, the bivvy becomes more breathable and maintains it's waterproofness. -
Seam Taped
100% waterproof seams and material to keep you dry during those damp nights in the back country.
Kit Details
- Size: 84" x 31"
- Weight: 0.725 lbs
- Group Size: 1 Person
- Trip Duration: Multiple Days